Script options

Script provides a set of different options and all can be set by using SHELL environment variables or CLI parameters.

Options within shell environment

By default, script will lookup for a set of variables in your environment:

  • CVP_HOST: Hostname or IP address of CVP server
  • CVP_PORT: CVP port to use to communicate with API engine. Default is 443
  • CVP_PROTO: Transport protocol to discuss with CVP. Default is HTTPS
  • CVP_USER: Username to use for CVP connection
  • CVP_PASS: Password to use for CVP connection
  • LOG_LEVEL: Script verbosity. Default is info
  • CVP_TZ: Timezone used to configure change-control
  • TZ_COUNTRY: Country to use in change-control configuration.
  • CERT_VALIDATION: Whether or not activate SSL Cert validation. Default is False to manage self signed certificates.

In your shell, execute following commands:

export CVP_PORT=443
export CVP_PROTO='https'
export CVP_TZ=France
export CVP_COUNTRY='France'

A script example is available in the repository for informational purpose

It can be configured in your ~/.bashrc or in VARIABLES of a CI/CD pipeline as well.

Options from the CLI

This approach overrides options defined in your shell environment
$ cvp-configlet-manager-h

usage: [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIGLET] [-u USERNAME]
                            [-p PASSWORD] [-s CVP] [-d DEBUG_LEVEL]
                            [-j JSON]

Configlet Uploader to CVP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -c CONFIGLET, --configlet CONFIGLET
                        Configlet path to use on CVP
  -u USERNAME, --username U SERNAME
                        Username for CVP
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password for CVP
  -s CVP, --cvp CVP     Address of CVP server
  -d DEBUG_LEVEL, --debug_level DEBUG_LEVEL
                        Verbose level (debug / info / war ning / error /
  -j JSON, --json JSON  File with list of actions to execute)